We are a biblical community of women whose heart’s desire is to enlighten, encourage and equip women to fulfill their God-given purpose as women. We fulfill these through 1-on-1 Discipleship, Annual Conferences, Christian Life Coaching and Digital Training.
In the Garden Discourse in Genesis 3, Satan deceived Eve. However, the Lord God told Satan that He was going to put enmity between him and the woman, and between his offspring and hers. This war of hostility God spoke of would not be between Satan and Adam, but between Satan and the woman!
Ever since that day this battle rages on. But what many women fail to realize is the fact that the Woman God created had been fashioned and well equipped to overcome Satan’s attacks. Her Creator deemed her to become the “Helper” all mankind needed. He created her strong, wise and capable to bring forth new life and offer wisdom beyond what human reasoning could ever provide. In spite of Satan’s relentless attacks against her and her family, she yields herself to Him Who is able to provide her the strength to resist Satan and his cohorts.
Throughout scripture it is quite obvious that The Lord God Almighty never calls anyone to do anything without equipping and endowing them with all that’s necessary to accomplish what He has called them to! No ladies, we are not damsels in distress, we are Women Who Overcome! We are Daughters of God! We are much more than meets the eye!
What an inspiring evening we celebrated as strong and resilient women gathered at the Daughters of Destiny event. This in-person gathering took place on Saturday, October 28, 2023, at Johnson C. Smith University, Biddell Hall/Gambrell Auditorium, 100 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC 28216.
Women were empowered by the Dramatic Storytelling gifts of Actress and Movie Director Karen Abercrombie from the movie "War Room". There was also a powerful Prophetic Word by Author, and Founder of The Women Who Overcome, Minister G. Nadine Davis.
At Daughters of Destiny event, we celebrated the indomitable spirit of Women Who Overcome.
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Minister Davis wrote about her troubled life as a young wife and mother. She also shares her life-changing encounter with the Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is her longing desire to help hurting women recover from the mental anguish of abuse, being mistreated and unloved. She offers her wisdom and life’s lessons learned in hopes that women will learn how to overcome their obstacles and embrace their true identity and God-given purpose.
We are a 501 (c)3 Non-Profit Ministry and appreciate your support.
Email us at thewomenwhoovercome@gmail.com
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